Specialist for Urology
Private Consultant at Hackescher Markt
Specialist for Urology
Private Consultant at Hackescher Markt
For your visit.....
- You can eat an drink before a blood sample is taken,
- It is best to come with a full (better filled) bladder, as it is best for various examinations,
- We ask you to fill out our questionnaire on health data (anamnesis sheet) in advance if possible.
Anamense / medical history
For an optimal preparation of your visit, we offer you the opportunity to provide all important information relaxed in advance.
You can fill out the patient data and questions about health (anamnesis) conveniently and send online form earthfriendly.
You are also welcome to print out the form and fill it in and bring it with you to the appointment.
Further down on the page you will find special questionnaires such as the AMS questionnaire, IIEF-5 score , IPSS questionnaire and a Voiding Protocoll
Alternatively, you can download the questionnaire here:
International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS)
The International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) is an eight-question written screening tool used to screen for, rapidly diagnose, track the symptoms of, and suggest management of the lower urinary tract symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
It contains seven questions related to symptoms related to BPH and one question related to the patient's perceived quality of life.
This questionnaire was created in 1992 by the American Urological Association.
Zero to five points are awarded for each of the seven symptoms: residual urine sensation, repeated urge to urinate two hours after the last visit to the toilet, stuttering urine, inability to delay urination, weak stream, pressure when urinating and frequency of nocturnal urination. According to this point system, patients are divided into those with mild (IPSS <8), moderate (IPSS = 8-19) and severe (IPSS = 20-35) symptoms.
The questionnaire can be filled out again at different times in order to document a comparison of the symptoms and their severity over months or years and thus show the course of the disease.
Thank you for sendin gus your IPSS-score!
Alternatively, you can download the questionnaire here:
The IIEF deals with the relevant areas of male sexual function (i.e. erectile function, orgasm function, sexual desire, gender satisfaction and overall satisfaction), is psychometrically based and validated in 10 languages. This questionnaire can easily be administered by yourself in research or in the clinical setting. The IIEF demonstrates the sensitivity and specificity for detecting treatment-related changes in patients with erectile dysfunction.
Alternatively, you can download the questionnaire here
(1) The Aging Males' Symptoms rating scale. Cultural and linguistic validation into English; Heinemann et al., The Aging Male 2001; 4 (1): 14 - 22. This version of the questionnaire shown here differs slightly from the original questionnaire. New text
Alternatively, you can download the questionnaire here:
Voiding Log / Bladder Record
A Voiding Log or Bladder Record is a detailed record of the excretion of fluids. Our micturition log also includes a drinking log in which you record over a defined period of time how much fluid you have consumed at what time. The micturition protocol is an important basis for diagnosing and treating problems with micturition.
Here you can download the protocol including short instructions:
Urology at Hackescher Markt
Dircksenstr. 47, 10178 Berlin info@urologie-schoensee.de Phone: 0049 30 81471556 Mobile: 0049 176 40437099
All rights reserved | Urology at Hackescher Markt Dr. med. Bernhard Schoensee Urologikum Berlin MVZ GmbH