Specialist for Urology
Private Consultant at Hackescher Markt
Specialist for Urology
Private Consultant at Hackescher Markt
Dear patients,
Welcome to the Urology at Hackescher Markt in Berlin Mitte.
You will find competent and careful, specialised urological diagnostic, consultation and treatment in a relaxed atmosphere.
We are happy to take time for you.
We do the individual check-up for each age.
Including sonography, physical examination and blood testing.
From the age of 45 years an anual check-up is reccomended by the health insurances.
We offer a reliable Cancer-Screening for:
Prostate, Testicles; Kidney, Bladder, Penis
Common symptoms of a urinary problem include:
There are multiple reasons which can cause an erectile dysfunction. We offer the diagnostic, consultation and treatment from a single source
Erectile dysfunction is often multifactorial. Pills often help, but research should still be carried out into possible causes and, if necessary, treated.
In addition to the physical examination, especially of the erectile tissue and testicles, this also includes screening for diabetes or cardiac complaints (heart problems) e.g. using a long-term EKG, as well as laboratory tests of the hormone status, thyroid, cholesterol and vitamins.
Therapeutically, PDE-5 inhibitors ("the blue pills") are an option, but by no means the only one.
We offer diagnostics and therapy from a single source.
Due to the interlinking of outpatient and inpatient medicine, surgical interventions such as dorsal vein ligation or the implantation of erectile tissue prostheses are also part of our repertoire.
Our patient receive the most comprehensive, individualized treatment plan working with a team of experts of radiology, nuclear medicine and surcical urology – from accurate diagnosis of the exact stage and grade of tumors to developing a personalized cancer treatment plan using the most advanced, targeted therapies to shrink or remove cancerous tumors while optimizing the quality of life of our patients
In case of an acute infection please contact us via email or phone often we can arrange a spontaneous consultation.
Urinary tract infections
When you have a urinary tract infection (UTI), you may have several urinary symptoms. UTIs are more common in women than in men. This is because the urethra is shorter in women and comes into contact with bacteria from the skin, anus, and vagina. You can reduce your chance of having a UTI by controlling risk factors that can cause these infections.
Infections that commonly cause UTI symptoms include:
If you suspect chlamydia or gonococci , please contact me by email or phone. Diagnosis is carried out using a swab or urine and is usually possible at short notice.
Consent must be signed for HIV testing. This can be downloaded here.
In the case of other infections, you should not wait for a regular appointment, but contact us at short notice
more information soon
What are the risks?
HPV is not just HPV, because there are different types of HPV. A distinction is made here primarily between high-risk HPV types and low-risk HPV types. The latter can trigger genital warts in both women and men. These are harmless but rather unsightly and annoying skin changes (nodules) in the genital area.
The high-risk types, such as HPV 16 and HPV 18, can cause cancers in the genital area. But how is that possible? An infection with HPV runs without symptoms at first, that means you don't feel any of it. The HPV infection itself is not dangerous either, in 90% of cases it disappears on its own. However, if the infection persists over a long period of time, it can “reprogram” the affected cells, which means that the healthy cells can gradually develop into cancer cells. This is a process that can take years or decades. It is also possible that cells that have changed, i.e. precancerous stages (called intraepithelial neoplasias), become healthy again and disappear from the body. The problem with this, however, is that you don't feel any of it and you can't predict what will happen. Furthermore, an HPV test is currently only possible for women.
How can I protect myself?
There are three ways you can protect yourself as a man (or woman):
1. Celibacy
2. Safe sex, i.e. using condoms: You can reduce the risk of infection.
3. The HPV vaccination: Vaccination can protect against the nine most aggressive types of HPV, including HPV 16 and 18.
An HPV vaccination protects against cancer caused by certain viruses.
Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) is no longer recommended only to young girls as protection against cancer, but also to boys. Because the viruses can not only trigger cervical cancer, but also tumors in the throat and pharynx, on the penis and on the anus. HPV vaccination can even be useful for people over 45 years of age.
STIKO recommendation
The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends the HPV vaccination ideally between 9 and 14 years of age, but no later than 18 years of age. Then the vaccination will be paid for in full by the health insurance companies. However, some health insurance companies also cover the costs up to the age of 26.
Vaccine for nine HPV strains
There are more than 200 different HPV strains in total; the vaccine is effective against nine particularly risky ones.
HPV vaccination makes sense for everyone?
According to experts, an HPV vaccination is in principle useful for everyone. Because even if our immune system gets a grip on most viruses itself, the natural protection is not as permanent and strong as a vaccination. Therefore, a person who has not been vaccinated can become infected with the same types of virus again and again and eventually develop cancer.
High cost of HPV vaccination
The fact that vaccination for older people has not yet been recommended is due to the lack of long-term studies, but also to the costs of several hundred euros (approx. 480 € within 6 months) that the vaccine manufacturers in Germany charge for immunization. But in exceptional cases, some health insurance companies pay for the vaccination:
• If suspicious cell changes in the cervix have already been diagnosed, relapse occurs less often in post-vaccinated women than in unvaccinated women.
Link to study:
• People at risk of new HPV infection from a new sexual partner are most likely to benefit from HPV vaccination.
• People infected with HIV and other risk groups whose immune system is weakened by a genetic predisposition, an auto-immune disease or medication also benefit from an HPV vaccination
In Germany there is no limit regarding the age.
You should keep a distance of 4 week to a Covid 19 vaccination.
Using a blood test, it is possible to quickly and inexpensively detect or exclude components of cancer cells that are triggered by HPV.
A report by the RBB on the therapy options for erectile dysfunction with Dr. Schoensee and Dr. Pottek
Painful urinary bladder infections are one of the most common complaints in the doctor's office. Women are more likely to be affected than men.
Urology at Hackescher Markt
Dircksenstr. 47, 10178 Berlin info@urologie-schoensee.de Phone: 0049 30 81471556 Mobile: 0049 176 40437099
All rights reserved | Urology at Hackescher Markt Dr. med. Bernhard Schoensee Urologikum Berlin MVZ GmbH